Does Walmart Cut Blinds


Are you looking for a cheap and easy way to cover your windows with blinds? Do you think you can just walk into Walmart, pick up any blinds that catch your eye, and ask them to cut them to size for you? Well, think again, honey. Walmart does not cut blinds. That’s right, they don’t offer any cutting service for their blinds or any other products. You’re on your own, buddy.

Does Walmart cut blinds: No, Walmart does not cut blinds. They sell ready-made blinds in standard sizes that you have to measure and install yourself. If your windows are not standard sizes, you have to either trim the blinds yourself or order custom-made blinds from another source.

Why Walmart Does Not Cut Blinds

You may be wondering why Walmart does not cut blinds. After all, they sell everything from groceries to guns, so why not offer a simple cutting service for their blinds? Well, there are several reasons why Walmart does not cut blinds, such as:

  • Cost: Cutting blinds requires special equipment, trained staff and extra time. Walmart is known for its low prices and high efficiency, so offering a cutting service would increase their costs and reduce their profits.
  • Liability: Cutting blinds involves some risks, such as damaging the blinds, injuring the staff or customers, or making mistakes in the measurements. Walmart does not want to take any responsibility or liability for these potential issues.
  • Quality: Cutting blinds may affect the quality and functionality of the blinds, such as causing fraying, chipping or splintering of the materials, or affecting the mechanism of the blinds. Walmart does not want to compromise the quality of their products or their reputation.

brown window blinds during daytime

What You Can Do Instead of Asking Walmart to Cut Blinds

So, what can you do instead of asking Walmart to cut blinds? Well, you have a few options, depending on your budget, skills and preferences. Here are some suggestions:

  • Measure your windows carefully and buy ready-made blinds that fit your windows. This is the easiest and cheapest option if your windows are standard sizes and you don’t mind the limited selection of styles and colors that Walmart offers. You can use a measuring tape and a pencil to measure the width and height of your windows and compare them with the sizes of the blinds that Walmart sells. Make sure you measure in at least three places – the top, bottom and middle of the window – and use the smallest measurement. You can also check out this guide on how to measure for window blinds.
  • Trim the blinds yourself if they are slightly too wide for your windows. This is a more challenging and risky option if your windows are slightly narrower than the standard sizes and you have some basic tools and skills. You can use a hacksaw, tin snips or scissors to cut the headrail and slats of the blinds according to your measurements. You can also use masking tape to prevent chipping or splintering of the materials. However, this option may void the warranty of the blinds or damage them beyond repair. You can also check out this guide on how to cut window blinds.
  • Order custom-made blinds from another source if you want more choices and accuracy. This is a more expensive and time-consuming option if your windows are irregular sizes or shapes or you want more variety and quality in your blinds. You can order custom-made blinds from online retailers, such as, or local stores that specialize in window treatments. You can choose from a wide range of styles, materials, colors and features for your blinds and have them made to fit your exact measurements. You can also enjoy professional installation and customer service.

brown closed window blinds


  • How much does it cost to cut blinds?

The cost to cut blinds depends on several factors, such as the type, size and quantity of the blinds, the source of the cutting service and the quality of the workmanship. Generally, cutting blinds can cost anywhere from $10 to $50 per blind.

  • How long does it take to cut blinds?

The time it takes to cut blinds depends on several factors, such as the type, size and quantity of the blinds, the source of the cutting service and the availability of the staff or equipment. Generally, cutting blinds can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour per blind.

  • Can I return cut blinds to Walmart?

No, you cannot return cut blinds to Walmart. Walmart has a strict policy that does not accept returns or exchanges for any products that have been altered or damaged by customers4. If you cut your blinds yourself or ask someone else to do it for you, you are responsible for the outcome and cannot get a refund or replacement from Walmart.

Wrap Up

Walmart does not cut blinds. They sell ready-made blinds in standard sizes that you have to measure and install yourself. If your windows are not standard sizes, you have to either trim the blinds yourself or order custom-made blinds from another source. Walmart does not offer any cutting service for their blinds or any other products because of cost, liability and quality reasons. If you need any help with choosing or installing your blinds, feel free to contact us at Huetiful Homes. We have a wide range of bespoke blinds that suit any home decor and budget. Happy shopping!

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