Plastic blinds are a common and affordable type of window covering, but they can also get dirty and dusty over time. If you want to keep your plastic blinds looking neat and clean, you can use some simple tools and techniques to clean them quickly and easily. Here are some tips and tricks to clean plastic blinds quickly and make them sparkle.
The best way to clean plastic blinds quickly is to use a microfiber cloth and a mild solution of water and dish soap or vinegar. You can also use a vacuum cleaner with a soft bristle attachment to remove loose dust and dirt. For very dirty or greasy plastic blinds, you can soak them in a bathtub with warm water and dish soap for an hour.
The first step to clean plastic blinds quickly is to vacuum them thoroughly with a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter and a soft bristle attachment. This will remove any loose dust, dirt, and mold spores from the blinds. Here’s how to do it:
The next step to clean plastic blinds quickly is to wipe them with a microfiber cloth and a mild solution of water and dish soap or vinegar. This will remove any remaining dust, debris, stains, and odors from the blinds. Here’s how to do it:
If your plastic blinds are very dirty or greasy, especially if they hang in the kitchen or bathroom, you may need to soak them in a bathtub with warm water and dish soap for an hour. This will help to loosen and dissolve any stubborn dirt, grease, or grime from the blinds. Here’s how to do it:
The final step to clean plastic blinds quickly is to let them dry completely before hanging them back on the window. This will prevent any remaining moisture from causing more mold growth or rusting on the hardware. Here’s how to do it:
Q: How often should I clean my plastic blinds quickly?
A: It depends on how dusty or humid your environment is, but generally, you should clean your plastic blinds quickly at least once every few months. You can also dust them regularly with a feather duster or a microfiber cloth to keep them in good condition.
Q: How can I prevent dust from accumulating on my plastic blinds?
A: The best way to prevent dust from accumulating on your plastic blinds is to keep them closed when you are not using them. This will reduce their exposure to air currents that carry dust particles. You can also use an anti-static spray or dryer sheet on your blinds periodically to repel dust.
Q: What types of plastic blinds can I clean quickly?
A: You can clean most types of plastic blinds quickly, such as vinyl, PVC, faux wood, or composite. However, you should avoid using vinegar on faux wood or composite blinds, as it can damage the finish or cause warping. For these types of blinds, you should use a wood cleaner or furniture polish instead.
Plastic blinds are a cheap and easy way to cover your windows, but they also require regular cleaning to keep them looking neat and clean. By following these simple tips and tricks, you can clean plastic blinds quickly and easily. Remember to use a microfiber cloth and a mild solution of water and dish soap or vinegar and wipe your blinds dry with a clean cloth. For very dirty or greasy plastic blinds, you can soak them in a bathtub with warm water and dish soap for an hour. With proper cleaning, your plastic blinds will last longer and look more sparkling.
Dale is the colorful mind behind, where he shows you how to create a home that is as fun and fabulous as you are. He has a passion for color and a knack for DIY, with years of interior design experience he shares his tips and tricks on how to create a home that reflects your personality and style. He believes that color is the key to happiness, and he wants to help you make your home more Huetiful.