Can Infrared Cameras See Through Curtains?


Curtains are a common way to add privacy and style to your windows, but they may also make you wonder if someone can spy on you through them. Infrared cameras can record in the dark using infrared light. But can infrared cameras see through curtains? The answer is: not really. In this article, we’ll explain how infrared cameras work and why they can’t see through most curtains.

Infrared cameras can’t see through curtains because curtains block infrared radiation. Infrared cameras use infrared LEDs to illuminate the area and capture the reflected infrared image. Curtains are usually thick enough to stop infrared beams from passing through.

However, thermal imaging cameras that measure temperature changes may be able to see through very light curtains.

How infrared cameras work

Infrared cameras can record in the dark using infrared light. Infrared light is invisible to the human eye, but it can be detected by special sensors in the camera.

Infrared cameras use infrared LEDs to illuminate the area and capture the reflected infrared image. The camera then translates the infrared image into a visible image that we can see on a monitor or a smartphone.

They are useful for monitoring areas with low or no ambient light, such as backyards, garages, or basements. They can also provide better contrast and detail than regular cameras in some situations.

TERESIA Sheer curtains, 1 pair, white, 145x250 cm (57x98") - IKEA

Why infrared cameras can’t see through curtains

Infrared cameras can’t see through curtains because curtains block infrared radiation. Infrared radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation that has a longer wavelength than visible light. It can be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted by different materials.

Curtains are usually made of thick fabrics that absorb or reflect most of the infrared radiation that hits them. This means that the infrared camera won’t be able to see what’s behind the curtains, as there will be no infrared reflection to capture.

This is similar to what happens when you place an infrared camera behind a glass window. Glass also blocks infrared radiation and reflects it back to the camera, causing a white glare or a blurry image.

When thermal imaging cameras may see through curtains

Thermal imaging cameras are a different type of infrared camera that measure temperature changes instead of reflected infrared light. Thermal imaging cameras use a special sensor that detects the heat emitted by objects and creates a color-coded image based on their temperature.

Thermal imaging cameras are more sensitive than regular infrared cameras and can see through some thin or transparent materials, such as plastic, paper, or glass. They can also see through smoke, fog, or dust.

However, thermal imaging cameras are not very good at seeing through thick or opaque materials, such as wood, metal, or stone. They may also have trouble seeing through very light or white materials, such as snow, ice, or cotton.

Therefore, thermal imaging cameras may be able to see through very light curtains that don’t block much heat, but they won’t be able to see through heavy or dark curtains that do.

HILJA Curtains, 1 pair, white, 145x250 cm (57x98") - IKEA

Final thoughts

Infrared cameras are a useful tool for security and surveillance, but they have their limitations. They can’t see through curtains because curtains block infrared radiation. However, thermal imaging cameras that measure temperature changes may be able to see through very light curtains in some cases.

If you want to protect your privacy and prevent anyone from spying on you through your curtains, you should use thick or dark curtains that block both visible and infrared light. You should also check for any gaps or holes in your curtains that may allow some light to pass through.

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