How To Gather Curtains Properly


Today, I’m going to show you how to make your own gathered curtains. Gathered curtains are a type of window treatment that features fabric that is gathered or pleated along the top to create a full and fluffy look.

They are also known as ruffled curtains or shirred curtains. They are super easy and fun to make, and they will give your windows a charming and stylish makeover. In this post, I’ll show you how to make gathered curtains with a gathering stitch, which is a stitch that you sew along the top of the fabric and then pull to gather the fabric.

This is an easy and convenient way to make gathered curtains without having to use any special tools or tape. You can use any type of fabric you like, such as cotton, linen, silk, or polyester. You can also choose the length and width of your curtains according to your preference and needs.

All you need are some basic tools and materials, such as fabric, scissors, measuring tape, pins, needle and thread or a sewing machine, iron and ironing board, curtain hooks or rings, and a curtain rod. Ready to get started? Let’s go!

How do you gather curtains?

You can gather curtains by using a gathering stitch, which is a stitch that you sew along the top of the fabric and then pull to gather the fabric. You can also use curtain hooks or rings to hang your gathered curtains on a rod. Here’s how to do it:

  • Get the right tools. You’ll need fabric, scissors, measuring tape, pins, needle and thread or a sewing machine, iron and ironing board, curtain hooks or rings, and a curtain rod.
  • Measure the width and length of your window and decide how big you want your curtains to be. You can either match the width of your window or make it slightly wider for more fullness. You can also choose how long you want your curtains to be – typically between the floor and the window sill or slightly above or below them.
  • Cut your fabric according to your measurements, leaving some extra fabric for hemming – about 1 inch (2.5 cm) for each side and 4 inches (10 cm) for the bottom.
  • Fold and press the edges of your fabric with an iron on low heat to create a hem. Pin the hem in place with pins.
  • Sew the hem with needle and thread or a sewing machine using a straight stitch. Remove the pins as you sew.
  • Sew a gathering stitch along the top edge of your curtain, about 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) from the edge. A gathering stitch is a long and loose stitch that you can pull to gather the fabric. To sew a gathering stitch by hand, use a needle and thread and make long running stitches along the edge of the fabric. To sew a gathering stitch by machine, set your machine to the longest stitch length and sew along the edge of the fabric without backstitching at the beginning or end.
  • Pull one end of the thread gently to gather the fabric until it reaches the desired width. Make sure to gather the fabric evenly along the top edge. Tie a knot at both ends of the thread to secure the gathers.
  • Insert one hook into each end of your curtain by sliding it through the back of the gathers. Make sure they are aligned with each other and not too close to the edge.
  • Insert more hooks along the top edge of your curtain at equal intervals. The number of hooks you need depends on how wide your curtain rod is and how much space you want between each panel. A general rule of thumb is to use one hook for every 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) of curtain width.
  • Hang your curtain on a rod by hooking the hooks onto the rod or onto rings that are attached to the rod. Adjust the curtain as needed.

Eyelet Plain Cotton Window Curtain, Size: 6x4.5 Feet


How do you gather curtains evenly?

To gather curtains evenly, you can use a tape measure to measure the width of the curtain rod, and then mark that measurement on the fabric. Then, using a ruler or a straight edge, draw a line from the top corner of the fabric to the mark that you made. This will be your gathering line. Sew a gathering stitch along this line and pull it to gather the fabric until it reaches the desired width.

How much fabric for gathered curtains?

To make gathered curtains, you will need 1.5 to 2 times the width of your window in fabric. This will allow enough fabric for hemming and gathering.

How do you calculate curtain gather?

When calculating the amount of fabric needed for curtains, you will need to take into account the gather of the fabric. For a medium gather, take the width of the pole/track and multiply it by 1.5, then divide by 2. For a full gather, take the width of the pole/track and multiply it by 2, then divide by 2. This will give you the width of each curtain panel. For example, if your pole/track is 60 inches (152 cm) wide, and you want a medium gather, you would need 45 inches (114 cm) of fabric for each panel.

Wrap Up

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